Lathyrus sativus (JIC_Lsat_v2.1.1)

About Lathyrus sativus

Lathyrus sativus, also known as grass pea, cicerchia, blue sweet pea, chickling pea, chickling vetch, Indian pea, white pea (Lathyrus sativus) and white vetch, is a legume commonly grown for human consumption and livestock feed in Asia and East Africa. It is a particularly important crop in areas that are prone to drought and famine, and is thought of as an 'insurance crop' as it produces reliable yields when all other crops fail. The seeds contain a neurotoxin that causes lathyrism, a neurodegenerative disease, if eaten as a primary protein source for a prolonged period.

Picture credit: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons (Image source)

Taxonomy ID 3860

Data source JIC

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Genome assembly: JIC_Lsat_v2.1.1

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