Chromosome 5: 24,835,246-24,840,754 forward strand.
This gene has 3 transcripts (splice variants), 263 orthologues and 85 paralogues.
- Name
- Transcript ID
- bp
- Protein
- Translation ID
- Biotype
- UniProt
- RefSeq
- Flags
Chromosome 5: 24,835,246-24,840,754 forward strand.
This gene has 3 transcripts (splice variants), 263 orthologues and 85 paralogues.
This gene corresponds to the following database identifiers:
External database | Database identifier |
Expression Atlas | |
NCBI gene (formerly Entrezgene) | |
UniProtKB Gene Name |
100272835 [view all locations]
100272835 [view all locations] |
WikiGene |
The following database identifiers correspond to the transcripts of this gene:
Transcript ID |
Zm00001eb220770_T003 |
Zm00001eb220770_T002 |
Zm00001eb220770_T001 |