Ensembl Plants is a joint project of the European Bioinformatics Institute and the group of Doreen Ware
at the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, who have developed
the Gramene database [1,3,4,6], a resource for plant
comparative genomics based on Ensembl technology [2,5,7]. Databases are constructed in a direct
collaboration with the Gramene resource, funded by the United States
National Science Foundation
award #1127112.
A common set of databases are available through Ensembl Plants and Gramene, and the two groups are collaborating on the integration of content, quality control and the development of new features.
- Tello-Ruiz MK, et al., Gramene 2021: harnessing the power of comparative genomics and pathways for plant research. Nucleic Acids Res. 2020.
PubMed ID: 33170273 - Howe KL., et al., Ensembl Genomes 2020-enabling non-vertebrate genomic research. Nucleic Acids Res. 2019.
PubMed ID: 31598706 - Tello-Ruiz MK., et al., Gramene 2018: unifying comparative genomics and pathway resources for plant research. Nucleic Acids Res. 2017. 46(D1):D1181-D1189
PubMed ID: 29165610 - Monaco MK., et al., Gramene 2013: comparative plant genomics resources. Nucleic Acids Res. 2014. 42:D1193-9.
PubMed ID: 24217918 - Kersey PJ., et al., Ensembl Genomes 2013: scaling up access to genome-wide data. Nucleic Acids Res. 2014. 42:D546-52.
PubMed ID: 24163254 - Youens-Clark, K., et al., Gramene database in 2010: updates and extensions. Nucleic Acids Res. 2010. 39:D1085-94
PubMed ID: 21076153 - Hubbard, T., et al., The Ensembl genome database project. Nucleic Acids Res. 2002. 30:38-41
PubMed ID: 11752248