Oryza nivara (Oryza_nivara_v1.0)

FUNCTIONS IN: molecular_function unknown; INVOLVED IN: biological_process unknown; LOCATED IN: cytosol, nucleus; EXPRESSED IN: 22 plant structures; EXPRESSED DURING: 13 growth stages; CONTAINS InterPro DOMAIN/s: NUC153 (InterPro:IPR012580); Has 3663 /.../t hits to 21323 proteins in 1057 species: Archae - 109; Bacteria - 2369; Metazoa - 13796; Fungi - 4858; Plants - 1657; Viruses - 489; Other Eukaryotes - 13360 (source: NCBI BLink). [Source:Projected from Arabidopsis thaliana (AT3G01160) TAIR;Acc:AT3G01160]

About this gene

This gene has 2 transcripts (splice variants) and 195 orthologues.

NameTranscript IDbpProteinTranslation IDBiotypeUniProtFlags
Protein coding
A0A0E0I0J5 Ensembl Canonical
Protein coding
A0A0E0I0J6 -