Oryza glaberrima Assembly and Gene Annotation
About Oryza glaberrima
Oryza glaberrima (African rice) is a cultivated grain distinct from its better known cousin Oryza sativa (Asian rice). African rice was independently domesticated ~3000 years ago in the Niger River Delta from its still extant progenitor, Oryza barthii. While lacking many of the agronomic and quality traits found in Asian rice, O. glaberrima is significant for its resistance to many pests and diseases and for its tolerance of drought and infertile soils. Interspecific crosses between African and Asian rice have produced cultivars with improved yield and quality traits, that have been adopted by many African countries to meet the growing need for rice as a staple food. From a scientific perspective the genome of O. glaberrima provides insight into the genetic basis of domestication and other traits by finding commonalities and differences with O. sativa. Similar to Asian rice, African rice is a diploid A-type genome, having 12 chromosomes and an estimated size of ~358 Mb.
The genome sequence was generated and assembled by the Arizona Genomics Institute (AGI) using strain IRGC:96717. The current assembly is Oryza_glaberrima_AGI1.1. It incorporates the previously assembled chromosome 3 short arm (Chr3s) sequence and consists of 12 chromosome pseudomolecules and 1,939 unplaced scaffolds. Chr3s was sequenced and assembled using a heavily manually edited physical map. BAC clones were shotgun Sanger sequenced to 8x coverage and phase II finished. Assembly of the tile sequence was performed manually. The rest of the genome was sequenced with a hybrid BAC pooling and whole genome shotgun approach with 30x coverage of Roche GSFLX 454 Titanium sequencing technology. Sequences were assembled and combined with a subset of previously sequenced BAC clones to produce a whole genome assembly. The underlying scaffolds have been deposited in GenBank with the accession number ADWL01000000.
Protein-coding genes were annotated by the Munich Information Center for Protein Sequences (MIPS) led by Klaus Meyer using an evidence-based approach. Annotation of repeats and transposable elements was conducted at AGI. Prediction of ncRNA and tRNA genes was conducted at AGI.
Variation data comes from two (unpublished) sources:
- 20 diverse accessions of Oryza glaberrima and
- 19 accessions of its wild progenitor, Oryza barthii, collected from geographically distributed regions of Africa.
Briefly, WGS reads were generated using low-coverage Illumina sequencing. Filtered reads were aligned to O. glaberrima using BWA and SNP calling was done using a combination of SAMtools and GATK with standard quality and coverage filters giving a final set of ~8 million SNPs.
These unpublished data were kindly contributed by Rod Wing of the Arizona Genomics Institute and collaborator Carlos Machado of the University of Maryland, as part of the Oryza Genome Evolution project funded by NSF Award #1026200.
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Gramene/Ensembl Genomes Annotation
Additional annotations generated by the Gramene and Ensembl Plants project include:
- Gene phylogenetic trees with other Gramene species.
- LastZ Whole Genome Alignment to Arabidopsis thaliana, Oryza sativa Japonica (IRGSP v1) and other Oryza AA genomes.
- Orthologue based DAGchainer synteny detection against other AA genomes.
- Mapping to the genome of multiple sequence-based feature sets using Gramene BLAT pipeline.
- Identification of various repeat features by programs such as RepeatMasker with MIPS and AGI repeat libraries, and Dust, TRF.
- Variation effect prediction with sequence ontology.
More information
General information about this species can be found in Wikipedia.
Assembly | Oryza_glaberrima_V1, INSDC Assembly GCA_000147395.1, Sep 2010 |
Database version | 113.2 |
Golden Path Length | 316,419,574 |
Genebuild by | OGE |
Genebuild method | Import |
Data source | Oryza Genome Evolution Project |
Gene counts
Coding genes | 33,164 |
Non coding genes | 966 |
Small non coding genes | 852 |
Long non coding genes | 114 |
Gene transcripts | 34,130 |
FGENESH gene prediction | 27,943 |
Short Variants | 7,704,409 |