Oryza sativa Japonica Group (IRGSP-1.0)

Oryza sativa Japonica Group cultivars


Asian cultivated rice is a staple food for half of the world population. With a genome size of ~390 Mb (n=12), rice has the smallest genome among the domesticated cereals, making it particularly amenable to genomic studies. In 2020, a reanalysis of the population structure analysis showed that rice could be subdivided into a total of 15 subpopulations (XI-1A, XI-1B1, XI-1B2, XI-2B, XI-2A, XI-3B1, XI-3A, XI-3B2, GJ-trop1, GJ-trop2, GJ-subtrp, GJ-tmp, cA2, cA1 and cB) and 4 admixed populations (GJ-adm, XI-adm, admixed and cA-adm). Then 16 rice cultivar varieties were selected based on genetic diversity and origin that could represent the 15 subpopulations and the largest admixed population, i.e. XI-adm. The collection of 16 Platinum Standard RefSeqs (PSRefSeq) can be used as a template to detect virtually all standing natural variation that exists in the pan-genome of cultivated Asian rice. Oryza sativa cv. IRGC 135833 (variety cv. Azucena) (collected from: Philippines) is selected as the representative of GJ-trop1 subpopulation, in which the accessions are mostly collected from Indonesia, Philippines, United States of America, Cote d'Ivoire, and Brazil.

Notes of Subpopulations: cA = circum-Aus; cB = circum-Basmati; GJ= Geng-japonica where trop = tropical, subtrp = subtropical; XI = Xian-indica


Scientists from the University of Arizona, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, International Rice Research Institute, and Huazhong Agricultural University generated Oryza sativa cv. IRGC 135833 (variety cv. Azucena) genome high quality reference (n=12), which is one of the 16 PSRefSeqs and represents GJ-trop1 subpopulation.

The whole DNA was sequenced by >100 X PacBio Sequel cells. The genome assemblies were carried out by multiple assemblers, i.e. mecat2, canu and falcon. The pseudomolecule of each chromosome was constructed using the nucleotide sequence of multiple assemblies by Genome Puzzle Master by using Minghui63 as a guide. The final assembly was polished by >100 X PacBio corrected reads and > 100 X Illumina clean reads.


Done by Ware Lab researchers at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory. Initial protein-coding genes were generated with the MAKER-P pipeline using line-specific RNA-seq transcript and full-length transcripts from Zhou et al (2020). Non-overlapping ab initio models were added using SNAP, Augustus, and FGENESH gene predictors. The combined gene models were improved for structure including UTR extensions using line-specific full-length transcripts and rice ESTs from GenBank. Final models were quality checked using GFF3toolkit and canonical transcripts assigned with TRaCE (Olsen and Ware 2020).

Other resources for viewing the rice pan genome

The Gramene Oryza website is a genomic and genetic resource supported by USDA-ARS, aimed at facilitating advancements in agriculture. The initiative is based at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, making it a pioneering platform in the field. This resource stands out as the first-ever comparative Oryza pan-genome resource, harnessing the capabilities of the Ensembl and Gramene platforms. Moreover, it is accessible to rice researchers and breeders at no cost, enabling them to enhance their efforts in developing improved cultivars that possess novel and desirable traits.”

The pan genes can also be viewed via the Rice Gene Index (RGI).


  • Yong Zhou, Dmytro Chebotarov, Dave Kudrna, Victor Llaca, Seunghee Lee, Shanmugam Rajasekar, Nahed Mohammed, Noor Al-Bader, Chandler Sobel-Sorenson, Praveena Parakkal, Lady Johanna Arbelaez, Natalia Franco, Nickolai Alexandrov, N. Ruaraidh Sackville Hamilton, Hei Leung, Ramil Mauleon, Mathias Lorieux, Andrea Zuccolo, Kenneth McNally, Jianwei Zhang & Rod A. Wing
    A platinum standard pan-genome resource that represents the population structure of Asian rice
    Scientific Data volume 7, Article number: 113 (2020)
  • Yu Z, Chen Y, Zhou Y, Zhang Y, Li M, Ouyang Y, Chebotarov D, Mauleon R, Zhao H, Xie W, McNally K, Wing R, Guo W and Zhang J.
    Rice Gene Index: A comprehensive pan-genome database for comparative and functional genomics of Asian rice.
    Molecular Plant, 2023, 16(5):798-801
  • Andrew J Olson, Doreen Ware
    Ranked choice voting for representative transcripts with TRaCEM
    Bioinformatics, Volume 38, Issue 1, January 2022, Pages 261–264
CultivarScientific nameEnsembl AssemblyAccessionMore information
iconOryza sativa (circum-Basmati var. ARC 10497)
View example location | Karyotype and statistics
Oryza sativa aromatic subgroupOs117425RS1GCA_009831255.1
iconOryza sativa (Geng/Japonica-trop1 var. Azucena)
View example location | Karyotype and statistics
Oryza sativa tropical japonica subgroupAzucenaRS1GCA_009830595.1
iconOryza sativa (Geng/Japonica-sbtrp var. Chao Meo)
View example location | Karyotype and statistics
Oryza sativa tropical japonica subgroupOs132278RS1GCA_009831315.1
iconOryza sativa (Xian/Indica-2A var. Gobol Sail)
View example location | Karyotype and statistics
Oryza sativa Indica GroupOs132424RS1GCA_009831025.1
iconOryza sativa (Xian/Indica-1B1 var. IR64)
View example location | Karyotype and statistics
Oryza sativa Indica GroupOsIR64RS1GCA_009914875.1
iconOryza sativa (Geng/Japonica-trop2 var. Ketan Nangka)
View example location | Karyotype and statistics
Oryza sativa tropical japonica subgroupOs128077RS1GCA_009831275.1
iconOryza sativa (Xian/Indica-3B1 var. Khao Yai Guang)
View example location | Karyotype and statistics
Oryza sativa Indica GroupOs127518RS1GCA_009831295.1
iconOryza sativa (Xian/Indica-2B var. Larha Mugad)
View example location | Karyotype and statistics
Oryza sativa Indica GroupOs125619RS1GCA_009831355.1
iconOryza sativa (Xian/Indica-3A var. Lima)
View example location | Karyotype and statistics
Oryza sativa Indica GroupOs127564RS1GCA_009829395.1
iconOryza sativa (Xian/Indica-3B2 var. Liu Xu)
View example location | Karyotype and statistics
Oryza sativa Indica GroupOs125827RS1GCA_009829375.1
iconOryza sativa (Xian/Indica-adm var. Minghui 63)
View example location | Karyotype and statistics
Oryza sativa Indica GroupMH63RS2GCA_001618785.1
iconOryza sativa (circum-Aus1 var. N22)
View example location | Karyotype and statistics
Oryza sativa aus subgroupOsN22RS2GCA_001952365.2
iconOryza sativa (circum-Aus2 var. Natel Boro)
View example location | Karyotype and statistics
Oryza sativa aus subgroupOs127652RS1GCA_009831335.1
iconOryza sativa (Xian/Indica-1B2 var. PR106)
View example location | Karyotype and statistics
Oryza sativa Indica GroupOs127742RS1GCA_009831045.1
iconOryza sativa (Xian/Indica-1A var. Zhenshan 97)
View example location | Karyotype and statistics
Oryza sativa Indica GroupZS97RS3GCA_001618795.1