Arabidopsis lyrata (v.1.0)

Arabidopsis lyrata Assembly and Gene Annotation

About Arabidopsis lyrata

Arabidopsis lyrata is a small perennial outcrossing brassica that is distributed within Eastern Asia, Europe and Northwestern America. A close relative of the dicot model, Arabidopsis thaliana, Arabidopsis lyrata has a genome size that is 1.5x larger with a haploid chromosome number of eight.


The genome was assembled by the Stanford Human Genome Center with assistance from the A. lyrata community. Sequencing followed a whole genome shotgun strategy and achieved an average genome coverage of 8x. The 206.7 Mb Araly1 assembly contains 695 nuclear scaffolds.


The genome was annotated by the U.S. Department of Energy Joint Genome Institute (JGI) using collaborator-submitted RNA-seq data, custom JGI analyses, and the automated JGI Annotation Pipeline and is predicted to have approximately 32,670 genes.


  1. The Arabidopsis lyrata genome sequence and the basis of rapid genome size change.
    Hu TT, Pattyn P, Bakker EG, Cao J, Cheng JF, Clark RM, Fahlgren N, Fawcett JA, Grimwood J, Gundlach H et al. 2011. Nat. Genet.. 43:476-481.

More information

General information about this species can be found in Wikipedia.



Assemblyv.1.0, INSDC Assembly GCA_000004255.1, Jun 2010
Database version113.10
Golden Path Length206,667,935
Genebuild byJGI
Genebuild methodImport
Data sourceJoint Genome Institute

Gene counts

Coding genes32,667
Non coding genes795
Small non coding genes779
Long non coding genes16
Gene transcripts33,462


FGENESH gene prediction30,044