Oryza sativa (Xian/Indica-adm var. Minghui 63) (MH63RS2)

About Oryza sativa (Xian/Indica-adm var. Minghui 63)

Asian cultivated rice is a staple food for half of the world population. With a genome size of ~390 Mb (n=12), rice has the smallest genome among the domesticated cereals, making it particularly amenable to genomic studies. In 2020, a reanalysis of the population structure analysis showed that rice could be subdivided into a total of 15 subpopulations (XI-1A, XI-1B1, XI-1B2, XI-2B, XI-2A, XI-3B1, XI-3A, XI-3B2, GJ-trop1, GJ-trop2, GJ-subtrp, GJ-tmp, cA2, cA1 and cB) and 4 admixed populations (GJ-adm, XI-adm, admixed and cA-adm). Then 16 rice cultivar varieties were selected based on genetic diversity and origin that could represent the 15 subpopulations and the largest admixed population, i.e. XI-adm. The collection of 16 Platinum Standard RefSeqs (PSRefSeq) can be used as a template to detect virtually all standing natural variation that exists in the pan-genome of cultivated Asian rice. Oryza sativa cv. Minghui 63 (collected from: China) is selected as the representative of XI-adm subpopulation, in which the accessions are mostly collected from China, India, Indonesia, Philippines, Bangladesh, Thailand, Lao_People_s_Democratic_Republic, Malaysia, Myanmar, Madagascar, abd Colombia.

Notes of Subpopulations: cA = circum-Aus; cB = circum-Basmati; GJ= Geng-japonica where trop = tropical, subtrp = subtropical; XI = Xian-indica

Taxonomy ID 39946

Data source University of Arizona

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Genome assembly: MH63RS2

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Gene annotation

What can I find? Protein-coding and non-coding genes, splice variants, cDNA and protein sequences, non-coding RNAs.

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Comparative genomics

What can I find? Homologues, gene trees, and whole genome alignments across multiple species.

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This species currently has no variation database. However you can process your own variants using the Variant Effect Predictor:

Variant Effect Predictor