e.g. Carboxy* or chx28

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Hordeum_vulgare Hordeum vulgare
Zea_mays Zea mays

What's New in Release 59

Did you know...?

The Track Hub Registry You can search the Track Hub Registry to find public RNA-Seq studies aligned to plant genomes (read more).

Check which features are supported on each species here; if you would like to request a new species please email Helpdesk.

Ensembl Rapid Release

New assemblies with gene and protein annotation every two weeks.

Note: species that already exist on this site will continue to be updated with the full range of annotations.


The Ensembl Rapid Release website provides annotation for recently produced, publicly available vertebrate and non-vertebrate genomes from biodiversity initiatives such as Darwin Tree of Life, the Vertebrate Genomes Project and the Earth BioGenome Project.

Rapid Release news on our blog

Wheat assemblies

Ensembl Plants hosts the RefSeq v1.0 assembly from the IWGSC, including:

  • The IWGSC RefSeq v1.1 gene annotation, with links to wheat-expression.com and KnetMiner
  • 14 wheat cultivars from the 10+ genome project
  • Alignment of 98,270 high confidence genes from the TGACv1 annotation.
  • Axiom 35K, 820K SNP arrays from CerealsDB, including QTL links in selected cases and Linkage Disequilibrium display. See QTL example here.
  • EMS-induced mutations from sequenced TILLING populations of Cadenza (coding regions) and Kronos (coding regions and promoters).
  • Inter-Homeologous Variants (IHVs) between the A, B and D genome components.
  • Chromosome specific KASP markers were added from the Nottingham BBSRC Wheat Research Centre.
  • Whole genome alignments to rice, brachypodium and barley.
  • Assembly-to-assembly mapping and gene ID mapping to the previous TGAC v1 assembly, archived at eg37-plants.ensembl.org.
  • Polyploid view enabled, allowing users to view alignments among multiple wheat components simultaneously.
  • Durum wheat 35K, 90K, 820K and TaBW280K variants
  • Chromosom and centromere data can be viewed here.

Archive sites

Archive of release 56 of EnsemblPlants: eg56-plants.ensembl.org (Feb 2023)

Archive of release 52 of EnsemblPlants: eg52-plants.ensembl.org (Dec 2021)

Archive of release 49 of EnsemblPlants: eg49-plants.ensembl.org (Dec 2020)

Archive of release 45 of EnsemblPlants: eg45-plants.ensembl.org (Sep 2019)

Archive of release 40 of EnsemblPlants: eg40-plants.ensembl.org (July 2018)

Archive of release 37 of EnsemblPlants: eg37-plants.ensembl.org (Oct 2017)


Ensembl Plants datasets are constructed in a direct collaboration with the Gramene resource, funded by the United States National Science Foundation award 1127112. Read more about our collaboration with Gramene.

Gramene logo

The development of resources for wheat is funded by the BBSRC-funded Designing Future Wheat ISP and PanOryza grants.

BBSRC logo

ELIXIR implementation study FONDUE - FAIR-ification of Plant Genotyping Data and its linking to Phenotyping using ELIXIR Platforms.

Past Funding

transPLANT, funded by the European Commission within its 7th Framework Programme, under the thematic area "Infrastructures", contract number 283496.

transPLANT logo The European flag

BBSRC funding for wheat (Triticeae Genomics For Sustainable Agriculture) and barley (UK barley genome sequencing project).

ELIXIR implementation study Apple as a Model for Genomic Information Exchange.

Ensembl Genomes is developed by EMBL-EBI and is powered by the Ensembl software system for the analysis and visualisation of genomic data. For details of our funding please click here.

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