Triticum aestivum vs Triticum aestivum Paragon Synteny results

The syntenic regions between Triticum aestivum (Triticum aestivum, IWGSC) and Triticum aestivum Paragon (Triticum aestivum, GCA949126075v1) were extracted from their pairwise alignment in Ensembl Plants release 113. We look for stretches where the alignment blocks are in synteny. The search is run in two phases. In the first one, syntenic alignments that are closer than 200 kbp are grouped. In the second phase, the groups that are in synteny are linked provided that no more than 2 non-syntenic groups are found between them and they are less than 3Mbp apart.

Configuration parameters

No configuration parameters are available.

Statistics over 412 synteny blocks

Genome coverage (bp) Coding exon coverage (bp)
Triticum aestivum

Uncovered: 642,944,777 out of 14,547,261,565
Covered: 13,904,316,788 out of 14,547,261,565

Uncovered: 4,606,921 out of 133,674,966
Covered: 129,068,045 out of 133,674,966

Triticum aestivum Paragon

Uncovered: 441,537,178 out of 14,589,628,860
Covered: 14,148,091,682 out of 14,589,628,860

Uncovered: 4,620,382 out of 127,526,820
Covered: 122,906,438 out of 127,526,820