Ensembl Genomes is funded by the European Molecular Biology Laboratory and by grants from a variety of different funding sources. In addition to direct funding, we benefit from long term collaborations with a number of consortia developing genome annotation resources in particular areas.
We are also active participants in a number of specific genome annotation projects, and are open to new collaborations in many forms, from seeking joint funding to establish a new domain-focused resource, to an informal collaboration to annotate a particular genome (or to develop an alternative genome-wide data set) and prepare it for inclusion in EnsemblPlants. The Geek for a Week scheme allows developers and researchers to come to EBI and work alongside Ensembl team members for a short collaborative project.
Please contact us to discuss any form of collaboration. Specific funded projects we have been involved with are listed in the lefthand menu. For an overview of EnsemblPlants external funders, past and present, please see the acknowledgements page. Additional funders for other Ensembl Genomes divisions can be found on the corresponding websites