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Whole Genome

Example page

A karyotype, displayed in this page, is available for some species in Ensembl. Images are imported from various sources, depending on the species. Dark and light bands reflect heterochromatin and euchromatin staining.

Click on a location within the karyotype to zoom in to one specific chromosome, or a genomic region.

Statistics are shown below the karyotype, as follows:

  • Assembly- Version of the current genome in Ensembl. The source of the assembly can be found on the species index page.
  • Database version- The name of the database in this release.
  • Base pairs- The total number of base pairs in the genomic assembly (or the sum of all sequences in the dna table of the core database.) This includes haplotypic regions and the pseudo-autosomal (PAR) region of the Y chromosome in human.
  • Golden path- The entire length, including gaps, of the genome. This is the sum of all top-level sequences in the seq_region table, omitting haplotypes and PARs.
  • Genebuild- The source, start and release dates of the geneset are shown, along with the date of recent updates.

For the remaining statistics, see this help page.

Add your own data to this display. Click on the Custom Tracks button at the left of the view. Click the Features on Karyotype link at the left of the window that opens. Type in IDs (such as Gene IDs like ENSG00000012048, ENSG00000139618, ENSG00000198668) or names (such as Gene names like BRCA1, BRCA2, CALM) into the box. Click the Show features button to view them along the karyotype. Click on the features to get more information from yourinput file.

You can also view custom tracks, such as BED and BigWig files on the karyotype. This page provides more information about uploading your own data to Ensembl. Add your data then Configure this page in the karyotype view to turn on your tracks.